Il 1° Vice Presidente Internazionale Naresh Aggarwal accompagnato dalla gentile consorte Sig.ra Navita,è stato ospite del nostro Distretto in occasione della tradizionale cena degli Amici di Melvin Jones, tenutasi domenica 2 aprile presso la Sala Mollino del Turin Palace Hotel di Torino.
In seguito all'incontro il VPI ha espresso al Governatore tramite email il proprio apprezzamento per i progetti condotti dai soci dei club ed il ringraziamento per la calda accoglienza dimostrata.
Dear Lion DG Gabriella Gastaldi,
It was an honour for me to be amongst the Lions of District 108 IA1 in Turin. The presence of a good number of Lion friends at the various events was very encouraging. The enthusiasm of taking the lionism to newer heights in the second century exhibited by the Lions of the District was amazing and memorable. Several service projects being handled by the lions of your District deserve commendation.
Moreover, the love and affection which Navita and I enjoyed during our brief stay touched our hearts and shall be remembered for many-many years. Our sincere thanks to those Lion friends who devoted most of their time in accompanying us and taking care throughout the visit. Now we look forward to see you in Chicago.
Kind regards,
Il Governatore, Gabriella Gastaldi, con il 1° VPI Naresh Aggarwal